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West Main- Poplar Art Connection

With so many awards to be giving out to so many deserving entities, it would be rare for two buildings next to each other to recieve rewards- but it has happened. Directly to the east of 605 Main Street are two sites(both on the corners or West Main and Poplar) where one is likely to see the artistic works of masters of metal sculpture. You can start off and admire the works of one and then merely walk across the street to view the second.

Although close in physical proximity, these too exhibits couldn't be farther apart in technique or message.

On the east side of Main Street you will find the works of Mike Roig. His works are carefully placed throughout his garden. His work, although constructed from(in many cases) cold angular metal sculptures that rotate with the wind seem to complement the natural settings that surround them in only a way a master Artist/welder could accomplish. I've often admired his work, driving by on my bicycle, walking down Poplar, or filling up my gas tank at the BP station across the street. Mike is the same artist that produced the centerpiece for the pond at Weaver Street Market.

Once you've finished admiring Mike's work, it's merely a matter of walking across Main Street to the Basnight Building to see a very different message...

The Basnight message is very different than Roig's. Where Roig's work is in tune with nature and abstract, Basnight evokes more of a sense of structured urban realism, with almost all angles in the works being 90 degrees. Where Roig's works are stationary(with the exception of the movement of the individual pieces as the wind powers them), Basnight is a constantly evolving exhibit where the movement seems to have a life of it's own. The genius of this exhibit is that you can visit it every day and it will change, whereas Roig's exhibit can take days, months or years for his exhibit to be updated with his new work.

On my last visit(July 10, 2006) I had the good fortune of stumbling upon two of the artists updating the exhibit.

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