can Bruce dance on the lawn when there is no lawn?" -Confused
Street Market Caves in to Carr Mill Demands!
Compromise Reached 'For the Good of The Community"
Ruffin Slater and Nathan
Millian presented a solid front against the scum, scoundrels, undesirables
and grass tramplers of Weaver Street. In a "News Conference"
they outlined their new plan that was "a compromise in the
best interest of the businesses and community": Have a sign
up sheet for performers to sign up in little witsy bitsy one hour
time slots after 6pm and on weekends. There is a maximum of one
hour per participant.
Man, I was worried about
the grass being overrun by entertainers, God forbid. I would hate
to see my daughter exposed to dancers, jugglers, musicians, hoopers
during weekday prime time hours. But, evenings and weekends- that's
I guess it's sort of
like television(in reverse). Instead of having our children(and
us) outside on the lawn at Weaver Street watching people pursue
their interests on their own(Is self-motivation something we don't
want our children to learn about? Of course it is!, so that they
blindly accept mindless decisions like this!), we should have them
home watching TV. If we want to continue to move our society in
the direction it's going, it's important not to expose our children
to too much creativity and instead have them isolate themselves
at home and play video games and watch cartoons laden with violence
and soap operas.
"No performances
will be tolerated before the September 15th implementation of the
program, Children. Now, we mean it. It's a very bad thing you're
trying to do to our community and we as protectors of the youth
and citizens of Carrboro are taking our role as protector of those
who cannot take care of themselves very seriously!"
"The landscape on
the lawn suffers from the hundreds who use it every week!",
said Ruffin Slater in The Chapel Hill Herald. Yes, that's the hundreds
that use it during the Sunday Brunches and the Thursday After Hours,
not one guy dancing(mostly on the bark, I may add) or a juggler(have
seen a couple of those over the years), or a magician(Don't recall
seeing one of those in the 12 years I've been here). I've seen more
toddlers trampling the grass than jugglers, dancers, musicians and
magicians combined!
I guess I was completely
blind sided by the masses of performers that were overrunning, the
Weaver Street Commons and scaring off the paying customers(even
though a lot of the performers ARE paying customers). I didn't see
them coming, but actually, they didn't come, and they aren't even
here. Weaver Street Market and Carr Mill Mall have acted in a preemptive
way to stop a possible invasion of entertainers.(This Bush Presidency's
ill advised policies appear to be trickling down to all corners
of society).
How does The Carrboro
News feel about the "compromise". To put it nicely...WHAT
A JOKE!!!!!