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Clinton-Obama Overcome Differences! Party at UNC Frat Party!

In one of the more uplifting stories to come out of the 2008 Democratic Debacle, Presidential hopefuls Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have called a truce and decided to elevate the primary campaign to a more civilized level.

In this exclusive story, The Carrboro News reporter Pedro Riviera happened to be at the right place at the right time. "I was hanging at a frat party on campus when I happened to look at this couple making out on the couch. Hmmmm", I thought to myself. "Those two look a little old to be in a frat house and they also look vaguely familiar." I tried to place the two faces but I couldn't quite put my finger in it. At first I thought the guy was my TA for my Religion 101 course but he seemed to be too loose. My TA was a little bit more uptight.

I gave up on the guy and tried to place the woman.... but again to now avail- I drew a blank. How could two people look so familiar yet be so unrecognizable?

It wasn't until I walked out to the back parking lot to relieve myself that I saw the Obama-Clinton bumper sticker. "My God", I exclaimed to myself. "That's where I've seen them before".

Once I recognized who they were, I returned and held what I would consider one of my most fascinating interviews. We spent 3 hours talking about the Presidential Election, each of their strategies, Bill, Health Care, Global Warming, Bill, Iraq, The 911 Conspiracy, A Clinton-Obama ticket and an Obama-Clinton Ticket, The Tar Heels run for the National Title, Bill, The future of Weaver Street Market and it's expansion, President Clinton's pardons of the scoundrals at the end of his term, NAFTA, their favorite beers(Hillary- Bud Lite, Barack- Anything but Bud Lite)and any other topic under sun.

As you can imagine, with the amount of alcohol consumed, I got a very accurate picture of who they really were. No compaign managers, no scripted speeches, nothing to keep them on message except a continually growing collection of empty bottles piling up in front of them.

The interview was fully recorded and and we had planned to release portions of it slowly from The Carrboro News web page. Unfortunately, when I got home to transcribe the notes, I realized that I had put the cassette and clicked play instead of record. It's funny, through the whole interview I kept thinking, "This is such a magical moment. I can almost hear music playing in my head!". Thinking that I would have the whole interview on tape, I didn't try to listen to their answers, but instead was concentrating on the next bombshell question. Combine that with the alcohol I consumed, and to be honest, I can't remember a word they said, but Thank God that I had my camera with me.... or else you would have though I was nuts!

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